Site Contents |
About Me |
A place to learn what kind of things I do, what I do at school, and what I am interested in. Note that there is nothing Newton related here. |
Newton |
A few links to the best pages out there, books that I have made, reviews of various programs, and the two text to speech apps. |
Projects |
This is where my friends and I split up long homework and then put it back together. |
What's New |
A list of when things are done to this site so that you can see what info has changed since your last visit. |
Add your site to the Newton Web Ring |
What's New What’s new? Well, everything right now. This is a total redo of my site, it is light-years ahead of the other one. I have several pages that I haven't even started yet but am doing them as fast as I can. The reason why I have put this site up this early was so that people could find out some about me. If you do find a bad link or what not please tell me about it, thanks! |
- 5-22-98 - Been *very* busy lately, but over the past few months I’ve been using linux more and more, and now it’s all I use. Also, most new stuff will be at www.frostnet.net, instead of here (easier to manage since the server is in my house :-)
- 2/15/98 - Added my public pgp key. Linux info was added to the About Me section, just to say “Hey I use Linux and it’s great.” I also rearranged the front door to be a little easier to read. Lastely, I changed a few misspelled words.
- 2/13/98 - I’ve completely redone the book Newton Error Codes, and it now supports larger screens (mp2x00’s and emates). Check the books section to get it!
- 12/28/97 - Check out the new mailing list, MP2x000! I have also stripped the comments from the published version of this site in hopes that it will speed things up (I *hate* slow web pages!, and there really isn’t a reason you need them).
- 12/12/97 - I’m changing email address’s to chris@frostnet.net!
- 8/9/97- I’ve added the Washington DC maps to my site and have fixed the email bugs that many people were kind enough to point out (you can only catch so much yourself ;-) I’ve heard someone mention that my newton os errors book would not let them do a global search. I’ve only heard about this from one person and would like to know if it is just them or not, so if this is also a problem for you, please email me about!
- 6/16/97- I’ve finally added all kinds of stuff! A speed comparison of the mp2k vs MP120, a lot of info on the text to speech apps for the Newton, and a list of all Newton developers!
- 6/15/97 I got my webeditor back online today as I just recently (a month ago) formatted my hardrive to remove all the evil ghosts in it ;-) Look for something VERY special in a few days to a week!
- Finally got my new scanner! With it I got Photoshop 4.0 and am learning that. Well, posted some new homework . Also, scanned in my 120 for the java buttons, made a neat little logo, and took away the blue background. The java buttons will change to 2000’s as soon as I get the time. Added the info about my next book:Elements Table
- 2/19/97-Navigator users can now see the html page without all the html coding. Fixed a couple of scripts that had cause a few problems. Also fixed a few misspellings on a couple pages that I had overlooked earlier.
- 2/17/97-Fixed a project link to a presentation; hopefully fixed Newton Reviews Link
- 2/14/97-The real debut. Spelling corrected, most of pages up, links are in! Yeaaa!
- 2/12/97-Site first “officially” created. Many misspellings, and file errors.